Joachim Niclasen

Slow drinking

I could have used the word "mindful" instead.

But "slow" works better.

Slow is easy to put into action. Just do what you always do, but do it slowly.


Many activities change completely when done slowly.

Talking with people
Folding laundry
Walking, biking
Grocery shopping
Hugging your mum

And my favorite - maybe because I have a certain knack for it:

Slow thinking

So let's not forget drinking wine... slowly.

I read this anecdote about a Buddhist master who spent time with a group of children. I’m paraphrasing here, but the story went something like this:

He gave each child a single raisin and instructed them to eat it as slowly as possible. Notice when the raisin touches your tongue, feel its texture. Savor it between your teeth. Taste the soft, intense sweetness as it's slowly crushed. Notice how the flavor rises toward the back of your nose. How it lingers in your mouth. How it changes with time.

The children were stunned. They had never tasted a raisin like this before. Surely, it must have been some super exclusive raisin — the best raisin imaginable. They all wanted another.

But, of course, the master had just given them ordinary raisins. It was never about the raisin. It was all about awareness, about being mindful.

Next time you take a sip of wine, do it slowly.

Think of the children and the raisin.

Reflect on how the wine you're tasting was also made slowly.

Make it all count.