Joachim Niclasen

Updated August 23rd 2024, from Copenhagen.

Starting this Blog / Writing a Book

For the last fifteen months, I've been writing and organizing notes about wine. The idea is to turn them into a highly useful book that will surprise you with every page turn. I’ve decided to write everything publicly because there’s no point in hiding my work. Feedback will only make it better, and I can't get feedback if I don’t share it. So, I’m starting this blog and will write my first post today.

Temporarily Closed

The last few years have been tough for my little company. I simply pushed the wrong buttons at the wrong times. As a result, I’ve had to stop all activities for now. But I will be back—back to serve our wonderful audience, back to support the brave winegrowers to whom I owe so much, and back to do the work I enjoy so much.

Marketing for Skovlyst

I’ve now been at Skovlyst for three months, and I’m really enjoying it. It’s fascinating to work for a company with such broad retail reach, implementing long-term strategies to build closer relationships with our audience. Last weekend, I joined an extreme hiking event that we sponsored with our alcohol-free beers. I walked 100 km in just under 22 hours—no sleep, just walking. It was a hell of an experience!