Joachim Niclasen

Love over perfection

The industrial winemaker follows a formula.
His goal is predictability.
His wines reflect his precise, controlled efforts.
His god is 'the market'.
His practice is perfection.

The small-scale winegrower follows a philosophy.
Her aim is consistency across decisions and actions.
Her wines are shaped by nature, chance, and a gentle human hand.
Her god is 'the nature of things'.
Her practice is love.

All wines depend on a human being, which is why, literally, there is no such thing as 'natural wine'. You can find grapes in nature, but you won’t find wine.

What kind of human role in winemaking we choose to support is a decision we can all make.

Philosophies over formulas
Consistency over predictability
'In accordance with nature' over 'following the crowd'

Love over perfection