Joachim Niclasen

I consume books daily, 98% of them non-fiction. My primary medium is audio, which acts as a filter. I finish about half of the books I start, and about 1 in 10 I listen to at least twice. About once a year, I review the books I've listened to over the past year and order physical copies of the brilliant ones. This keeps my bookshelf curated with only high-quality selections.

[This list is updated continuously...]

Life & Philosophy

The Beginning of Infinity - David Deutsch
Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Bed of Procrustes - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Skin in the Game - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers - Leonard Koren
Excellent Advice for Living - Kevin Kelly
Hell Yeah or No - Derek Sivers
A Guide to the Good Life - William B. Irvine
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Seneca's Letters From a Stoic - Seneca
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
How to Live - Derek Sivers

Mind & Spirituality

Sum - David Eagleman
Free Will - Sam Harris
Waking Up - Sam Harris
When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chödrön
On Having No Head - D. E. Harding
Tao Te Ching - Stephen Mitchell
Anam Cara - John O'Donohue
The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran

Writing & Other Creative Work

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
The Practice - Seth Godin
Write Useful Books - Rob Fitzpatrick
Several Short Sentences About Writing - Verlyn Klinkenborg
Zen in the Art of Writing - Ray Bradbury
On Writing Well - William Zinsser

Entrepreneurship & Marketing

Anything you want - Derek Sivers
Your Music and People - Derek Sivers
The 1-Page Marketing Plan - Allan Dib
This is Marketing - Seth Godin (and everyting else from Seth)
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing - Al Ries & Jack Trout


Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman
Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal
The Great Mental Models Vol.2 (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) - Farnam Street
The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene
Groupthink - Christopher Booker
The Courage to be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga


The Art of Learning - Josh Waitzkin
The Lost Art of Running - Shane Benzie
The Little Book of Talent - Daniel Coyle
What School could be - Ted Dintersmith
Out of Our Minds - Sir Ken Robinson


Debt - David Graeber
Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari
The Evolution of Everything - Matt Ridley

Innovation & Technology

The Internet of Money - Andreas M. Antonopoulos
How Innovation Works - Matt Ridley

Health & Longevity

Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker
The Longevity Paradox - Steven R. Gundry
The Longevity Code - Kris Verburgh
Lifespan - David A. Sinclair
The Longevity Diet - Valter Longo
The Complete Guide to Fasting - Jason Fung


The Carbon Almanac
Apocalypse Never - Michael Shellenberger


Vagabonding - Rolf Potts


Things The Grandchildren Should Know - Mark Oliver Everett
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Richard P. Feynman

[This page is updated continuously...]
